Microsoft Store Office For Mac


**适用于:****Office For MacApplies to:Office for Mac

2020-3-19  Microsoft Store: LibreOffice Vanilla from CIB Mac App Store: LibreOffice Vanilla from Collabora These versions are free software (as in open source) but there's a small charge to cover the effort of putting software in the app stores. Update Office from the Mac App Store. If you downloaded Office from the Mac App Store, and have automatic updates turned on, your apps will update automatically. But you can also manually download the updates: Open the Mac App Store from your Dock or Finder.

本文面向 IT 管理员, 并讨论来自 Mac 应用商店的 Office 可用性的常见问题, 以及从 Microsoft 直接下载和分发 Office 应用之间的区别。This article is for IT administrators and discusses frequently asked questions about the availability of Office from the Mac App Store, and the differences between downloading and distributing Office apps directly from Microsoft.

从2019年1月开始, 可从 Mac 应用商店下载以下 Office 应用程序:Starting in January 2019, the following Office applications are available for download from the Mac App Store:

  • Microsoft WordMicrosoft Word
  • Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPointMicrosoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft OutlookMicrosoft Outlook
  • Microsoft OneNote *Microsoft OneNote*
  • Microsoft OneDrive *Microsoft OneDrive*
Microsoft Store Office For Mac

*这些应用也可以从以前年份的 Mac 应用商店中获得。* These apps were also available from the Mac App Store in previous years.

Mac 应用商店中提供了哪个版本的 Office?What version of Office is available from the Mac App Store?

Mac 应用商店提供的 Office 应用在 Mac 上提供最新的 Office 生产版本。The Office apps available from the Mac App Store provide the very latest production version of Office on the Mac.Word、Excel、PowerPoint 和 Outlook 需要 Office 365 订阅才能激活。Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook require an Office 365 subscription to activate.OneNote 和 OneDrive 不需要 Office 365 订阅, 但某些高级功能可能需要 Office 365 订阅。OneNote and OneDrive do not require an Office 365 subscription, but some premium features may require an Office 365 subscription.所有应用都与 Office 365 订阅计划兼容, 例如 Office 365 A3、Office 365 A5、Office 365 企业版 E3、Office 365 企业版 E5 和 Office 365 专业增强版。All apps are compatible with Office 365 subscription plans, such as Office 365 A3, Office 365 A5, Office 365 Enterprise E3, Office 365 Enterprise E5, and Office 365 ProPlus.


Microsoft Office For Mac Free

某些 Office 365 订阅不包括可下载的 Office 应用。Some Office 365 subscriptions don't include access to downloadable Office apps.例如, Office 365 A1、Office 365 企业版 E1 和 Office 365 F1 计划。For example, the Office 365 A1, Office 365 Enterprise E1, and Office 365 F1 plans.有关详细信息, 请参阅Office 365 计划。For more information, see Office 365 plans.

Download Office For Mac

是否可以将 Mac 应用商店中的应用与批量许可证一起使用?Can I use apps from the Mac App Store with my Volume License?

否。No.Mac 应用商店提供的 Office 应用不支持永久许可证 (包括 Office 2019 和 Office 2016)。Perpetual licenses, including Office 2019 and Office 2016, are not supported with Office apps available from the Mac App Store.批量许可证 (VL) 序列化程序与这些应用不兼容。The Volume License (VL) Serializer is not compatible with these apps.尝试将永久许可证用于 Mac 应用商店应用将导致应用进入缩减功能模式。Attempts to use a perpetual license with Mac App Store apps will cause the apps to enter reduced functionality mode.

如何将 Office 应用程序从 Mac 应用商店部署到我的组织中的计算机?How do I deploy Office apps from the Mac App Store to computers in my organization?

您需要一种企业移动管理 (EMM) 工具, 该工具支持Apple 的批量购买计划 (VPP)、 apple Business Manager或apple School manager。You need an enterprise mobility management (EMM) tool that supports either Apple's Volume Purchase Program (VPP), Apple Business Manager, or Apple School Manager.例如, Jamf Pro与这些程序兼容, 并且可用于部署 Office 应用。For example, Jamf Pro is compatible with these programs and can be used to deploy Office apps.Office 支持托管分发, 这使你的移动设备管理 (MDM) 服务器即使在用户没有 Apple ID 时也能安装 Office。Office supports managed distribution, which allows your Mobile Device Management (MDM) server to install Office even when the user does not have an Apple ID.无法通过可兑换代码分发 Office 应用。Office apps cannot be distributed through redeemable codes.

虽然使用者可以通过 Mac 应用商店将 Office 作为捆绑的一次性下载项获取, 但 IT 管理员需要部署单个应用。While a consumer may acquire Office through the Mac App Store as a bundle with a single-click download, IT admins will need to deploy the individual apps.

通过 Mac 应用商店进行部署时, Office 的行为有所不同, 还是提供较少的功能?When deployed through the Mac App Store, does Office behave differently, or provide less functionality?

无论部署方式如何, Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 和 OneNote 都提供相同的最终用户功能。Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote provide the same end-user functionality regardless of how it is deployed.IT 管理员以前从 Microsoft 的内容交付网络 (CDN) 部署了 Office, 但现在可以选择从 Mac 应用商店进行部署。IT admins have traditionally deployed Office from Microsoft's Content Delivery Network (CDN), but now have the option of deploying from the Mac App Store.

OneDrive 应用 (从 Microsoft 的 CDN 中获取) 为 IT 管理员提供了更多部署灵活性, 如预启用图标覆盖和系统访问。The OneDrive app, when acquired from Microsoft's CDN, offers IT admins more deployment flexibility such as pre-enabling icon overlays and system access.从 Mac 应用商店获取后, 用户将看到其他提示来启用此功能。When acquired from the Mac App Store, users will see additional prompts to enable this functionality.

Microsoft Store Office For Mac

Mac 应用商店提供的 Office 版本是生产内部版本, 并且通常按月更新。The Office builds available from the Mac App Store are production builds and are usually updated on a monthly basis.Office 预览体验计划不受 Mac 应用商店支持。The Office Insider program is not supported through the Mac App Store.如果你希望使用预览体验成员慢或快速频道, 应继续从 Microsoft CDN 安装 Office 应用。If you wish to use the Insider Slow or Fast channels, you should continue to install Office apps from the Microsoft CDN.

Microsoft 团队和 Skype for Business 不适用于 Mac 应用商店, 并且必须从 Microsoft CDN 部署。Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business are not available through the Mac App Store and must be deployed from the Microsoft CDN.

如何进行 Office 更新?How do Office updates occur?

通过 Mac 应用商店部署 Office 应用时, 应用商店会独自负责保持这些应用保持最新。When Office apps are deployed through the Mac App Store, it is the sole responsibility of the App Store to keep those apps up-to-date.相反, 从 Microsoft 的 CDN 部署的应用将通过 Microsoft 自动更新 (MAU) 工具进行更新。Conversely, apps deployed from Microsoft's CDN are updated through the Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) tool.可使用 macOS 中的内容缓存服务 (强烈建议使用) 来优化通过 Mac 应用商店获取的 Office 应用的安装和更新过程。Content caching services in macOS can be used (and is highly recommended) to optimize both the installation and update process of Office apps acquired through the Mac App Store.

每月更新程序包的下载大小相同, 无论是否使用 CDN 或 Mac 应用商店进行部署。The download size of monthly update packages is the same, regardless of whether the CDN or Mac App Store is used for deployment.

是否可以将基于 CDN 的现有 Office 安装转换为 Mac 应用商店?Can I convert an existing CDN-based Office installation to Mac App Store?

如果用户在其 Mac 上启动应用商店应用, 他们可能会看到 Office 应用可供下载, 即使 Office 已从 Microsoft 的 CDN 安装。If a user launches the App Store app on their Mac, they may see that Office apps are available for download even though Office is already installed from Microsoft's CDN.根据当前安装的 Office 内部版本和 Mac 应用商店中提供的版本, 现有应用可能会被覆盖, 也可能不会被覆盖。Depending upon the currently installed Office build, and the build available in the Mac App Store, the existing app may or may not get overwritten.例如, 如果当前安装的 Office 内部版本比 Mac 应用商店中提供的版本更新 (如预览体验成员内部版本), 则当用户选择下载 Mac 应用商店内部版本时, 不会覆盖该版本。For example, if the build of Office currently installed is newer than what is available from the Mac App Store (such as an Insider build), it will not be overwritten if the user chooses to download the Mac App Store build.

执行 CDN 到 Mac 应用商店转换没有自动过程。There is no automated process for performing a CDN to Mac App Store conversion.根据你的 EMM 的功能, 你可能能够通过脚本协调流程。Depending on your EMM's capabilities, you may be able to orchestrate the process through a script.每个 Mac 的高级别步骤如下所示:The high-level steps for each Mac are as follows:

  • 关闭所有 Office 应用Close all Office apps
  • 从/Applications 文件夹中删除 Office 应用Remove the Office apps from the /Applications folder
  • 从密钥链中删除 Office 条目Remove the Office entries from the keychain
  • 删除 Office 程序包注册 (pkgutil --forget)Remove the Office package registrations (pkgutil --forget)
  • 触发 MDM 服务器以安装 Office 应用 (如jamf recon)Trigger the MDM server to install the Office apps (such as jamf recon)

虽然基于 CDN 的 Office 安装可以利用带宽优化套件安装程序 (大小约为 1.8 GB), 但在通过 Mac 应用商店部署时, 相同应用的总大小大约为 4 GB。While CDN-based installations of Office can utilize the bandwidth-optimized suite installer, which is approximately 1.8 GB in size, the total size of the same apps when deployed through the Mac App Store is approximately 4 GB.

如何判断是否已从 Mac 应用商店下载 Office 应用?How can I tell if an Office app was downloaded from the Mac App Store?

  • 打开 Finder, 然后导航到 '应用程序' 文件夹Open Finder, and navigate to the Applications folder
  • 找到 Office 应用 (如 Microsoft Outlook), 按住 control 并单击, 然后选择 '显示包内容'Locate the Office app (such as Microsoft, control-click, and choose Show Package Contents
  • 导航到 '内容' 文件夹Navigate into the Contents folder
  • 如果存在名_MASReceipt为的文件夹, 则该应用从 Mac 应用商店下载If a folder named _MASReceipt is present, the app was downloaded from the Mac App Store

Microsoft Office For Mac Uk Store

如何管理从 Mac 应用商店下载的应用的 Office 策略和首选项?How do I manage Office policies and preferences with apps downloaded from the Mac App Store?

Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook 和 OneNote 提供与基于 CDN 的对应项相同的策略和首选项。Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote offer the same policies and preferences as their CDN-based counterparts.IT 管理员无需更改现有配置文件, 因为每个应用的捆绑包 ID 保持不变。IT admins do not need to alter existing Configuration Profiles as the bundle ID for each app is unchanged.


Microsoft office for mac home version. The update history information for version 16.16 and earlier also applies to Office 2016 for Mac, which is also a version of Office for Mac that’s available as a one-time purchase. Older versions up to and including 16.16 can be activated with an Office 2016 for Mac volume license.

Microsoft Office For Mac Microsoft Store

OneNote 使用不同的捆绑包 ID, 并且根据你获取该应用的方式, 不同的管理控件可用。OneNote does use a different bundle ID, and different management controls are available depending on how you obtain the app.有关详细信息, 请参阅部署和配置新的 OneDrive 同步客户端 For Mac。For more information, see Deploy and configure the new OneDrive sync client for Mac.

强烈建议 IT 管理员将OfficeAutoSignIn值设置为TRUE '首选项'域。It is highly recommended that IT admins set the OfficeAutoSignIn value to TRUE in the preferences domain.对于从 Mac 应用商店安装的新安装, 此首选项将绕过询问用户是否希望购买新的 Office 365 订阅的首次运行对话框。For new installations from the Mac App Store, this preference will bypass the first run dialogs that ask users if they wish to purchase a new Office 365 subscription.这将缓解对商业环境中的技术支持人员的通话, 因为用户只能激活现有订阅。This will mitigate calls to the help desk in commercial environments as users can only activate an existing subscription.

Today, Office 365 is available for the first time on the Mac App Store, making it easier than ever for Mac users to download Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and the whole suite of Microsoft’s popular apps. Users can also purchase a subscription for Office 365 from within the apps, so they can get up and running instantly.
Office 365 for Mac has been designed specifically to support features that are unique to the Mac experience — features like Dark Mode and Continuity Camera in macOS, as well as the MacBook Pro Touch Bar and the Mac’s industry-leading Trackpad.
“We are excited to welcome Microsoft Office 365 to the all new Mac App Store in macOS Mojave,” said Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Apple and Microsoft have worked together to bring great Office productivity to Mac users from the very beginning. Now, with Office 365 on the Mac App Store, it's easier than ever to get the latest and best version of Office 365 for Mac, iPad and iPhone.”
“We are excited to announce that today Office 365 is arriving in the Mac App Store,” said Jared Spataro, corporate vice president at Microsoft. “We have worked closely with Apple to provide Mac users with the very best productivity experience — one that offers everything they know and love about Office through an experience uniquely designed for the Mac.”
In business, as at home, employees want access to the best devices and apps to do their work. With Office 365 on the Mac App Store, these apps can now be easily distributed to employees using Apple Business Manager, a central dashboard where IT can deploy devices, apps and licenses. Now IT can quickly enable employees to get to work with their favorite Office tools across Mac, iPad and iPhone, with great new features designed specifically for Apple devices.

About the Mac App Store

Apple Store Microsoft Office For Mac Download

The Mac App Store is the single largest catalog of Mac apps in the world. Newly redesigned this past year, the Mac App Store features a new look and rich editorial content for a more enjoyable experience when finding great, new apps for the Mac. Like the iOS App Store, the new Mac App Store celebrates apps, games, businesses and developers with an all-new Discover tab featuring compelling stories, in-depth interviews, helpful tips, collections of must-have apps and more. Users can also explore new Create, Work, Play and Develop tabs to find the perfect app for a specific project or purpose — from music, video and photography apps to business utilities and games.


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